John Barman Interior Design
John Barman Interior Design
By:John Barman,Anthony Iannacci
Published on 2015 by The Monacelli Press, LLC
|At once a classicist and a modernist, John Barman is known for his clear-cut, sophisticated style, bold new ideas, and strong point of view. He favors handsome, crisp lines; the unrestrained use of strong, resonant color; new uses for traditional materials; and the successful marriage of functionality and fine detailing. Barman confidently stimulates the senses with interiors that are cultured and elegant, striking perfect balance between the sumptuous and the seriously hip. He is known for injecting contemporary glamour into traditional spaces. His work typically features shapely and distinctive focal points such as colorful art glass collections, glamorous silk taffetas, objects with historical significance placed in new contexts, and rooms designed around a single piece of art. Barman's renowned clients include Wynton Marsalis, George Stephanopoulos and Alexandra Wentworth, Leonard and Allison Stern, Bryant Gumbel, Stone Phillips, Neil Simon, and Larry Silverstein. A majority of Barman's residential commissions are based in New York City, the Hamptons, Greenwich, CT, and Washington, DC; he has satellite offices in Los Angeles and Miami.|
This Book was ranked at 31 by Google Books for keyword interior design.
Book ID of John Barman Interior Design's Books is D1jZCwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byJohn Barman,Anthony Iannaccihave ETAG "NeJx5XsP6Rs"
Book which was published by The Monacelli Press, LLC since 2015 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781580934176 and ISBN 10 Code is 158093417X
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "264 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryArchitecture
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